The Arroyo Collective
Released May 11, 2022
Streaming LINKS: Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon, Qobuz, YouTube 'Walking on Moonlight',
SoundCloud Playlist

The Arroyo Collective is a group of old and new friends who like to play and record music.
The title ‘Six Ways Up’ refers to the 6 players Hal Coy, Scott Thunes, Matt Eakle, George Shaw,
Johnnie Bamont, and Paul J. de Benedictis who each kept their spirits high through music
during the recent pandemic. We hope this music lifts you up too.
"Suss Add Sunday"
Johnnie Bamont tenor sax
Hal Coy drums
Scott Thunes bass
Paul dB rhythm & lead guitar, keys
"Walking on Moonlight"
George Shaw muted trumpet
Hal Coy drums
Scott Thunes bass
Susie Davis vocals
Paul dB rhythm & lead guitar, keys, vocals
"3rd Man"
Matt Eakle flute
Hal Coy drums
Scott Thunes bass
Paul dB rhythm & lead guitar, keys
Copyright 2022 de Benedictis Music, BMI
All music compositions by
Paul James de Benedictis
Mixed by Jimmy Bralower
Mastered by Michael Romanowski, Coast Mastering

PHOTO: Paul dB, Lagunitas, CA by Anna W. de Benedictis
Web site and all contents © Copyright Mnemonic Records 2022, All rights reserved.