"Six Ways Up " 3-Song EP
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Streaming LINKS: Apple Music, Spotify,Tidal, SoundCloud
"Beside My Shadow"
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Streaming LINKS: Apple Music, Tidal, Spotify, Amazon, Qobuz, YouTube
More streaming... search: State of James or Beside My Shadow

Instrumental Music Album Mixes Classical Chamber Music with Improvisation
SEE Tape Op REVIEW: TapeOp
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Independent record label Mnemonic Records presents "Quintets" - an instrumental album of original music by Paul James de Benedictis, featuring string quartet, the improvisational work of noted piano virtuosos Ralph Grierson and Michael Lang, jazz pioneer Jeff Lorber, and a variety of soloists including such luminaries as Sussan Deyhim, Branford Marsalis, and Paul McCandless. The music was composed over several years, with some of the pieces being specifically written for the soloists and pianists, including Paul's childhood friends Matt Eakle (flute) and John Knox (piano). (more...)

Aliquot Piano Solos
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Independent record label Mnemonic Records has released the 20th anniversary reissue of "Power of One" an album of original solo piano compositions by Paul James de Benedictis performed on his 1889 Bluthner grand piano. (more...)

3-Song Rock EP with Vocals by Chris Castle
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This 3-Song EP "Vox Humanix" (Voks Hu -man' -iks) builds on three of the instrumental tracks from The Wilted's debut instrumental release from 2007 and adds the vocals of Chris Castle. In this live-in-the-studio rock recording at Hibiki Studio in Mountain View, CA, the band plays in a single take, live guitar solos, no click-tracks, with only minor editing and overdubbing. Mixed by engineer Karl Derfler. (more...)

3-Song Pop-Rock EP with Vocals by Susie Davis
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This historical 3-song recording went to tape live in 1981, at Mel Martin’s Big Ear Studio, in Marin County, CA.
It was recorded and mixed by Mel Martin live direct to 2-track tape with additional mixing on 'Disappear' by Paul J. de Benedictis. The tape was discovered among a stack of un-marked boxes almost 30 years later in 2010. Paul and Joel always wanted to release it. Here it is. (more...)

Instrumental Rock
SEE REVIEW: "BlogCritics"
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Independent record label Mnemonic Records released its first title “The Wilted” in 2007 — an instrumental rock album from the band of the same name. Hailing from the heart of Silicon Valley in Menlo Park, California, the band recorded the album during their first few weeks of summer after high school was out. Lead guitarist Julien de Benedictis wrote nine of the instrumentals, including the opening opus “Way Too Late,” while rhythm guitarist Trevor White brought “Make It My Own” to the project. Chris Holyoake rounds out the band manning the drums. (more...)
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Available on all streaming services including: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Qobuz, Tidal,
Recorded at Fantasy Studios in 1983 this futuristic track features singer Napata Mero. The stellar band is Frank Martin on keys playing a Rhodes Chroma Synthesizer for bass, chords and 'horn' parts; Will Kennedy on Simmons Electronic drums; and Lorn Leber on guitar; George Shaw doubles the ‘synth horn parts’ on Trumpet.
The song has been remixed, from engineer Tom Size's 1983 mix, by Jimmy Bralower. The new mix was produced by Paul J. de Benedictis. Music by Paul J. de Benedictis, lyrics by Jeremiah Treacy.
The original recordings for this single were lost, Paul de Benedictis found a tape copy and created this new release 40-years after the original recording was made. This song had never been released to the public.
More streaming... search: Napata Mero or Mannequin of Muscle
"Inside Your Head"
— Archival Release! —
McKechnie & de Benedictis
Re-Released 2017 (originally released on Cassette, 1983)
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Streaming LINKS: YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, Qobuz, Tidal
VIDEO for "Embryo" HERE

Synthesizer explorations and Film from McKechnie Records
Affiliate Labels - Music by Paul J. de Benedictis & Doug McKechnie; and The San Francisco Synthesizer Ensemble
Check out the San Francisco Synthesizer Ensemble LIVE at Theater Artaud, 1986 VIDEO HERE
There is also a "Play the Golden Gate Bridge" App for iPad (and iPhone) HERE
Buy the 'Day in the Life' DVD HERE
Listen to the 'Day in the Life' music on Apple Music HERE (on other streaming services too!)
See the 'Day in the Life' Art Film on YouTube HERE
See the Movie Trailer for the 'Playing the Bridge' documentary HERE
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